So I get a FB message from a friend I hadnt seen in 10 years! He has a layover in West Palm Beach and wants to know if I'll come up and meet him for lunch.
I of course say Hell YA!!!
So I thought we were suppose to meet up on Tues so Monday night I spend 30 minutes figuring out what I'm going to wear. That was the red boot outfit below.
Tuesday comes and goes and I'm sad and depressed b/c I thought I'd missed him.
I get a text saying no its tomorrow that I'm in!!!
So I keep the kids home from school b/c PB is an hour away and I dont know when I'll make it back. besides I wanted them to meet him.
Try and figure out another cute outfit b/c I wasnt feeling the one from before, and go to bad excited.
He hasnt changed. I swear he doesnt even look any older! of course he said that about me and I know I look older! lol
He hung outside for a bit then tried to drive to a park somewhere so the kids could play.
Finally decided on lunch at Chick-fil-a.
I was a little disappointed b/c I wanted to go to a restaurant but being that I have 3 kids under 6 who just spent an hour in the car...
No nice restaurant for us.
Chick-fil-a's sound proof play area was just what the doctor ordered.
We sat a chatted while the kids came and went.
He truly is an wonderful man! he is true to himself and judges NO ONE!
You feel so uplifted and strong when you are around him. its almost like his confidence and love rubs of on you!
I feel so blessed that he even thought to call me. And feel loved with how he embraced my children. Unfortunetly these were the only pics I got and I had to cut them from a video I accidentally filmed instead of snapping a real picture!
He has pics on his phone though and I plan on stalking him till he emails me or FB them to me.
WonderWoman is the perfect character for you.
Gorgeous and unstoppable!
luv you
Such a wonderful day!