Turkey Bowl and other things to be thankful for...
This was the only action shot I was able to get of Josh and it was at the edge of the frame. I think it still looks cool though.
They had a lot of visitors come play. I wound up being the only wife to show up to watch. i felt really silly at first but then I thought. I've never been to watch Josh play turkey bowl in the 10 years we've been married. Might as well be here when he's playing in Florida.
Unfortunately I dressed us all way too warm. As I said it was chilly when we started getting ready but by the end of the game it was in the 80s.
Isaac watching his daddy play. this was before he became obsessed with playing with a pair of 5 year old boys. They were best friends and didnt really have a desire to have someone else join them. That was great.
Sydney ofcourse LOVES her daddy. This is our friend Tapa. He thinks Sydney is just cute as a button which means she turns on the cute when ever he's around. I find it highly irritating but he thinks its cute. It just encourages her. I love the pic below because as much as I think she's getting so big you see a pic like this and you realize she's still a little girl.
AllMyLove and I met when I was 16 years old. We never had a chance to really get to know each other till much later. In 2000 we remet and got married. Now we have 3 kids and he is my everything!
Snuggle Bug
An intense little guy! Its been a rollercoaster ride ever since he came into my life. I wouldn't have it any other way!
Love Bug
She growing up so fast and definetly has a mind of her own. She's my little girl and always will be!
Hugga Bug
For some reason I thought the baby would be quiet since the older two have such strong personalities. NOPE! He's a funny and bright little guy and always looking to make you laugh.
They're only little once!
Though the days can be tring... I remind myself that... I AM going to miss this!