Dress $8.88 clearance @ Target
Sweater $5 cl@T
Purple purse $6 Kohls (love those coupons)
Shoes ??$ cl@T
I've been trying to apply my decorating style to my wardrobe lately. I read an article that talk about how to create an Iconic Style. Now I dont know about iconic. When I read that I think of Audrey Hepburn and Jackie O. I LOVE their style!!
Green dress $7 cl@T
tights $5 Target
Shoes $1 Platos Closet (I KNOW!) Grab bag semi annual event!
Earring $$?? really old too
Yellow purse $15? 4 years ago military exchange
The article also suggested taking pics of yourself so that you have a visual collection of what you wear. It will give you a more solid Idea of what your style is. As much as we dont like to admit it people do judge you on your appearance. What you wear is the first idea you give people of the type of person you are. Since I'm in the process of finding out who I am...
I'm loving this whole idea!
Sweater Target $15 I bought on sale a black and white one
Netted nude nylons Kohls $2 ($10) kohls cash
White heels 5 years old Payless BOGO
Turquoise Flower handmade
I try to smile in most of them but really I just feel silly or just plain tired.
AE Jeans bought 40% off with my discount (no I dont have the discount anymore)
By the way this shirt completely died after one wash. Sad but true!
You know my dad would dress in a shirt and tie with slacks and his tony lamas anytime he wasnt working. I grew up thinking thats what dads did. He always looked nice and put together. It wasnt until I was almost in HS that he was out of the military going to school and working part time @ home depot. He then gravitated toward blue jeans and comfortable shoes.
I've been thinking a lot about that lately and decided I dont have to keep all my nice cloths for Sunday. I seem to think that dresses are only for church. My dad didnt save his slacks for Sunday. (He usually had a suit) So dont think I'm weird if you see me in Publix with "Sunday Cloths on". Also I can do this now that I am done having kids and two of mine are in school at least for 3 or more hours everyday. I would've never have been successful doing hair and makeup everyday until this year.
I told a friend the other day how liberating it is when you finally know your done having kids. its almost like a light switch got flipped on and I told myself "ok now that I'm not planning on my next pregnancy... time to start taking care of me."
Kohls Dress $26
Black netted nylons $3 (kohls FREE cash)
Pearl stings both under $5 (Kohls Cash)
4" heels (maybe 3") target Online I think full price =O
The shoes on target online a really nice.