Friday, April 24, 2009

Party and the Baudhuin

The Bauduin Preschool is where Isaac goes to school Mon. - Fri. 8-11. Its called VPK or voluntary pre kinder garden. Florida has a program where every child can take advantage of this for FREE. Isaac was able to get in here and LOVES it. He is 1 of 8 or 9 VPK kids and the other 8 are High Functioning Autism. Its an amazing program and the ladies that are in his class are so great. You can feel the love they have for the kids.
Michael and Isaac celebrated bday on the same day even though Michael was today. The kids could bearly contain themselves... 2 cupcakes and 2 goodie bags!!

Miss Sheria is in the pic above and Miss Tiffany is in the pic below. Miss Tiffany is the teacher and Miss Sheria is the ad. They are a perfect team. An amazing classroom and curriculum.
They love all 3 of my kids. I don't care what I have to do I want Sydney in their class the last year we're here.
Love these Ladies!!