So I've pick up a few new things in the last 6 months and I thought I'd share them with you. Well some I've been doing longer but I found out from friends that they didnt know these tricks. So here they are.
Ok so I have become a HUGE Kandee Johnson fan. If you dont know her you can just type her name into youtube and she'll pop up. She's a Hollywood makeup artist and cute as a button!
I have a horrible time with dark circles. HAHAHA I am a mother of 3 under 6 cant imagine why I'd have dark circles. Well Kandee gives a great tutorial on how to conceal them. I've put her tips into to practice and they work WONDERS!!!!
Usually I wind up looking like I have white or yellow circles under my eyes but with the way she does it.... miracles happen. Click play and watch the video.
I now use Olive Oil to take my make up off. Seriously it was buy one get one free the other day at Publix so I have a HUGE bottle of Bertollis OO on my bathroom sink. You just pour some on a cotton pad and wipe your make up off. It will leave a thick layer of oil so you just use your regular face wash next. I use those face cloths, you know you get them wet and rub them till they're soapy. After that I use my Proactive toner
(yes I caved like the rest of the female world) .
Whats crazy was that the toner pad always came away with makeup on it no matter how thorough I was in washing but with the OO it comes away clean.
Then I put on my night time face lotion by Garneir and my eye cream by bare escentuals.
Its always taken me a long time to get ready for bed just ask my mom. But it gives me wind down time and really helps when I do a routine.
I try to do Yoga but after that roach scare (whole nother story) I havnt been too inclined.
My new favorite mouth wash... 1/2 a cap of Listerine and fill the rest up with Hydorgine Peroxide. Yep you read right. It says right on the bottle that you can put it in your mouth. I had no idea. It works WONDERS! And yes it will bubble up a lot and thats why I do it before brushing. It leaves your teeth feeling slimy if you do it last. But brush after swishing and your teeth will be squicky clean. I think mine are starting to look whiter too.
This product from Benefit is worth every penny you might spend. Anyone I use it on just loves it. No its not a nail polish, its a highlighter. You know how actresses always have this super shiny transluscent color right below their brows? Its stuff like this. Its also put down the center of your nose to make it look straighter or on the tops of your
cheek bones looks amazing too. It just adds that little touch that everyone notices but they dont know exactly what they are noticing. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
$24 at but I'm sure you can find it cheaper on Ebay or somewhere else online.
Its worth it!
I've started to fill in my brows. I dont have any tips about it but its something new I'm doing and i love it too! The first couple times I did I felt everyone was looking at me b/c of my fake brows. But Josh says they just look too perfect to be natural but they look natural. Get it?
Another great thing is Lip Stain. I've talked about it before but I'm still loving it. Lots of Cosmetic lines carry it now but I love Revlon's Just Bitten. i have one of those in Gothic. This pic actually is featuring Gothic on the bottom lip. It comes with a great lip conditioner. You will have to apply it again 1/2 through the day. But if its just for the night, you'll be set. CG Outlast lip color seriously dried my lips out.
They dont give you a conditioner with it and lip gloss just doesnt cut it.
Now if you want one that has serious staying power go for Loreal Infallible. You apply that to your lips and let it dry for a few minutes before you condition it. be careful putting it on too b/c you have to use oil based makeup remover to get it off. I have it in "Target" red (only sold at target and Hibiscus which is a pearly pink.
I'll see about doing another post like this if anyone cares. Fell free to comment on my Facebook. I dont have comments on my blog b/c I dont want to hear from Crazy People. but If your friends with me on FB thats a different story. You still might be crazy but your obviously my kind of Crazy! lol
I have a horrible time with dark circles. HAHAHA I am a mother of 3 under 6 cant imagine why I'd have dark circles. Well Kandee gives a great tutorial on how to conceal them. I've put her tips into to practice and they work WONDERS!!!!
Usually I wind up looking like I have white or yellow circles under my eyes but with the way she does it.... miracles happen. Click play and watch the video.
I now use Olive Oil to take my make up off. Seriously it was buy one get one free the other day at Publix so I have a HUGE bottle of Bertollis OO on my bathroom sink. You just pour some on a cotton pad and wipe your make up off. It will leave a thick layer of oil so you just use your regular face wash next. I use those face cloths, you know you get them wet and rub them till they're soapy. After that I use my Proactive toner
(yes I caved like the rest of the female world) .
Whats crazy was that the toner pad always came away with makeup on it no matter how thorough I was in washing but with the OO it comes away clean.
Then I put on my night time face lotion by Garneir and my eye cream by bare escentuals.
Its always taken me a long time to get ready for bed just ask my mom. But it gives me wind down time and really helps when I do a routine.
I try to do Yoga but after that roach scare (whole nother story) I havnt been too inclined.

This product from Benefit is worth every penny you might spend. Anyone I use it on just loves it. No its not a nail polish, its a highlighter. You know how actresses always have this super shiny transluscent color right below their brows? Its stuff like this. Its also put down the center of your nose to make it look straighter or on the tops of your

$24 at but I'm sure you can find it cheaper on Ebay or somewhere else online.
Its worth it!
I've started to fill in my brows. I dont have any tips about it but its something new I'm doing and i love it too! The first couple times I did I felt everyone was looking at me b/c of my fake brows. But Josh says they just look too perfect to be natural but they look natural. Get it?
Another great thing is Lip Stain. I've talked about it before but I'm still loving it. Lots of Cosmetic lines carry it now but I love Revlon's Just Bitten. i have one of those in Gothic. This pic actually is featuring Gothic on the bottom lip. It comes with a great lip conditioner. You will have to apply it again 1/2 through the day. But if its just for the night, you'll be set. CG Outlast lip color seriously dried my lips out.
They dont give you a conditioner with it and lip gloss just doesnt cut it.
Now if you want one that has serious staying power go for Loreal Infallible. You apply that to your lips and let it dry for a few minutes before you condition it. be careful putting it on too b/c you have to use oil based makeup remover to get it off. I have it in "Target" red (only sold at target and Hibiscus which is a pearly pink.
I'll see about doing another post like this if anyone cares. Fell free to comment on my Facebook. I dont have comments on my blog b/c I dont want to hear from Crazy People. but If your friends with me on FB thats a different story. You still might be crazy but your obviously my kind of Crazy! lol