OK! So we left I think around 6:30-7 pm. It took us 13 hours to get there. We had a hitch put on our van and pulled everything we needed in a trailer. So we laid the seat down and the 2 older ones slept the whole way. Lincoln I had in his car seat. Sorry but a baby has to be buckled. Well they all have to but oh well. Thats why josh kept a look out for cops!
We got in at around 7:30-8. Kept the kids busy and then put them down for a nap!!!
The above pic is of Josh, Sydney, and Isaac CRASHING HARD for a nap!
ANd below is 3 generations, well skipping one and it would be 4. Nannah and the kids with Mitzi's mom (nanny)!
I loved the fact that she was there too. It was the first time I really got to talk with her. She is a neat lady and has such a loving heart. I loved that the kids got to be around her and distinguish her as a great grandmother. Isaac knows that Nanny lives in Burkley and that Nannah is inNorth Carolina. ( you each have a pin point on his map in his room!)
We love you Nanny! I'll be sending you a copy of this in the mail soon!