So yeah we we're doing better and then...
We all kind of got head colds. Thank you to Calley as I immediatly threw away my generic Afrin nose spray. I was going on day 6, or something. Its brutal! And I knew about addiction to nose spray because my dad went threw it. But three kids under the age of four and YOU NEED TO SLEEP!!! I actually bought saline spray for the kids so thats what I'm going to use tonight. So as I was battleing through this horrible head cold with no sympathy from Josh.. He decides to Trump me with Strep Throat. I gave him the "suck it up" attitude for a day or so until he spiked 102.7. "Fine, Youre officially sick!" And he was... he was laid out for a good three days and had his eyes open to how hard it is to be sick and be home with three kids. It took Strep Throat but I'll take awareness anyway possible.
1 day ago