I got a bike and trailer! For some reason I thought I was going to be able to put Lincoln in there but he's not quit up for it yet. So what i've been doing is taking Isaac and Sydney and leaving Lincoln with Josh. The first trip we did was 3 miles but unfortunetly I bite off more then I could chew. It was 3 miles to my girlfriend Amy's house. I had to call Josh up to come get me because Amy wasn't home. I was smarter the secong trip and did a 3 mile loop. It takes about 35 minutes and my heart rate is up the entire time. I love it the kids love it. I am still going to run. In fact I plan to train for a mini triathilon. Thats right you read it here first... Laura Sparks a triathlete. And for those of you who laughed whten you heard I was going to run the 5K with Calley... you can keep all comments to yourself. Unless they're incouraging ofcourse. I mean I done having kids and thinking "Whats the point? My body's going to go back to crap anyways with the next pregnancy". Its time to shape it the way I want it to be for the rest of m life. And I'm tired of being a skinny little nothing that people tell to "go eat a sandwich. I've been skinny my whole life but never healthy and strong.
Oh And I would've had a better pic but Isaac was so proud of this one. I'll get one of us in action here soon.