Wow am I in trouble or what. This little girl is a handful. I often hear myself say "She was nothing but Sugar until the day she turned 2." I'm tryng not to say that anymore because she still is really sweet, she has just come into the fact that she has her own opinions and has a mouth to share them with. These are some pics of her just talking with me! I understand most of what she says but when she gets excited its harder to interpret. She has learned to dress herself and shows me that by dressing and redressing all day. People at Isaacs preschool love to see what shes wearing on drop off and then a new outfit for pic up. And they always check out her shoes. They rarely match if she decides to wear shoes at all that is.
She's had a rough week. Tuesday night I go to Choir practice (I'll fill you in on that)so Josh has the kids. He couldn't find a pacifier, she cried for an hour and a half.
When I woke up the next morning and found one under the kitchen sink (he didn't look there, MEN!) and one in Lincolns swing. (when looking for the all important pacifier you start at one of the room and look EVERYWHERE! And repeat this with EVERY ROOM!)
Well i decided that she had already cried one night so I threw them away. Its been over a week and she took a normal nap today with out crashing out in a random place.
That along with the sicknesses mentioned below, its been a long week!