So this morning at 7:50 am Laura gave birth to Lincoln "log" Thomas Sparks (laura's gonna kill me for the whole log reference but she is in the hospital and can't do a thing about it!). He tips the scales at a stagering 7 lbs 6 ounces (huge compared to Isaac and Sydney) and was 19 inches long. Unfortunately he swallowed some amniotic fluid and it got in his lungs and he is in NICU for 48 hrs while they do a culture to make sure that everything is alright. That is why the pictures I am posting are not of us holding him. Anyways, enjoy! (he kind of reminds me of Scott for some reason, doesn't he?)
Here is Laura, triumphant after a NATURAL childbirth (no it was not planned but I dont want to steal her thunder so I'm gonna let her report on that later!)
In addition to the new baby, we are due to pick up our new puppy next week when we move and I wanted to add a few pictures I enjoyed taking of Syndey with the puppy. Here she is so happy with the puppy in her new stroller.
Then came the melt down that lasted 15 min and culminated with her throwing everything out of the car and running away screaming.