Above is the Before pic of our bed. BORING!!! Well the Vihnyl clock I wanted at Target was 50% so I thought I'd put it above the bed.
Josh walks in as I'm putting up the template... "Dont put it on the wall!"
I think... "where else is it going to go."
He reads my mind "why dont you put it on your mirror down stairs or on a wooden round?"
"Once you move and have to take it down you cant reuse it."
Off I went to Home depot to look for a Wooden round b/c I didnt like the idea of using the big BROWN mirror. It wouldnt have matched the bed at all!
I found this baby marked down and here it is!!!

Sorry the pics arent so great. I had to use our old camera b/c our sweet water proof one has sand in it. =(
It totally makes the room doesnt it!?!?!
And thank you mom for introducing me to battery operated no flame candles!

And in case your wondering Its SUPER quiet! You cant even hear it. Josh had me spray paing the back og the clock b/c it was white and you could see it in the mirror. Oh and he had the idea of Velcroing it to the mirror so I can still pull it off to change the battery!!
And yes we have been married 10 years!!