This was so different for Lincoln. The last 2 times we've tried to take Lincoln to the beach he would scream if we tried to walk down to the water. He he seriously would try to crawl directly into the ocean. He loved it.

Sydney loved it too. She's so tiny that the waves at our beach scare her. She kept saying things like "This is my favorite beach!" "I love this beach!" She was in Heaven.

OK double click on this ocean pic!!! That black line in the back... thats right its a dolphin!!!!!
There was a pod of 5 dolphins that came in to feed. They were 10 feet at least. I swear one time one was about 6 feet away. I got a little freaked out with that one. I didn't need a dolphin mistaking Isaac's fingers for a fish!
It was breath taking! To know that we were that close to wild dolphins. The kids were so excited! Lincoln saw them and started pointing and laughing. You really felt like he had an understanding of what he was seeing.
We were joking that they were attracted to Lincoln, but seriously I think they might have been. When he started to get tired and Josh started walking him in they look like they followed. It was crazy but you just got this over whelming feeling that it was Lincoln. Even the lady next to us said the same thing.
It really made the day!
Our best day ever Summer