My mother in law who raised 6 kids born with in the span of 6 years and lives to tell the tale.
A very optimistic person. Can find the silver lining in any situation. I've come to learn that I can too. And like her... I'll have lots of practice.
Happy Mothers Day Mitzi!
My sister who keeps going through it all. Who helps me to realise I'm not perfect and thats ok. Shes someone I can always call when I'm having a REALLY bad day. She's strong and confident in herself and has so many qualities that I try to build in myself.
Happy Mothers Day Leah!

My mother...
Who raised me and instilled the values in me that I have today. Who has taught me that "this too in time will pass". To know that there are going to be tough times and thats those are the times you just keep going.
She took 4 kids under the between the ages of 12 and 4 across the world by herself, and didn't loose her sanity.
A women who has always try to better herself and give her children everything they need.
Who gave everything she had to us.
A wonderful doting grandmother to my kids and they love her.
An constant example to me in my life.
I love you mom!
Happy Mothers Day!