Freshman year. Where we lived at the time the freshmen were top of the junior highs. They didn't come up to the high school until I was a senior. Yes I ran track. No once again I wasn't very good, but I thought I pulled off the look really well. At least I looked like I
could have been good. I think I'm 14 int his pick, maybe 15. And look no veins or cellulite!

I think this was my freshman year too. As freshman we were allowed to go up to the high school to participate in sports that our school didn't have. I think I was worse at swimming then I was a track. But again I looked like I
could have been good. Man that
chlorine fried my hair. But hey
theres no makeup in this pic.

Halloween at Office Depot where I worked my senior year and 2 years after. On my way out too church. Yes I was a stake missionary for almost 2 years. And another shot at
EFY. Yes I can wear a baseball hat!