So we had trunk o treat Saturday night and then we actually let the kids trick or treat on Sunday night too. Just around our neighborhood. But man did they rack in the candy.
Today was spent sorting through the candy deciding which to keep and which to turn into mommy for cash. isaac made $6.25 and Sydney made $5.50. $2 a pound. I know thats a LOT of candy! they still have enough to last the year.

My pumpkin, josh humored me and drilled most of the holes. I was suppose to push Christmas lights up in each whole but the rind was WAY to think. I think the tea light worked fine.

And yes its green. Was I the only ignorant person out there that didnt know there were green pumpkins? thanks to the Silhouette Machine, Josh made short work of the kid's pumpkin.

I also cute out the little faces for their "baby" pumpkins. Bet you cant guess whos is whos!
Left to Right Lincolns Sydneys Isaacs.
LOL I know... they picked the faces out themselves.