We went to a joint Bday party earlier this month. Josh ran errands while I supervised at the party. It went ok for a little while. Lincoln was pacified with the slides only for a short period of time.

This is Sydney's boyfriend Micky. "But I'm not his only girlfriend, he has a lot."
He is a total sweet heart. I have a feeling he's going to have girlfriends he doesnt
even know about.

Our friend, Tapa pushing his little girl on the swings. Something I refuse to do
but always wind of caving.

Gorgeous little Greyson. My picture doesnt even do him justice.

And this is hayden... a very reserved little guy but something about him just draws you to him.
And HUGE PROPS to my girlfriend Amy for making this papermesha shark for her Son.
(cant seem to get any help from spell check on that one)

So this was about the time that Lincoln decided he wasnt going to be happy anymore. (Dont you just love sydneys pigtails.)

The rest of the birthday party pretty much looked like this.....

A sharp contrast to earlier where he looked like this... (below)

I finally had to call josh on the phone to come get him, because text messaging was expressing myself clearly enough.
On a lighter note.. Arabella one of the CUTEST babies ever is getting her first teeth in. Where has the time gone?