My very talented friend Barb is opening an Etsy Shop.
She hired another talented friend of mine to take the pictures she will use in her Shop.
Sydney was lucky enough to be chosen as one of the models. the night before I blew out her hair and straightened it. I dont know why I even bothered. The humidity curled it up with in minutes. I was very proud of how she behaved for Heidi, Even though I thought she was laying on the "cute" a little too thick.

Heidi has such an eye for what looks good in a pic and I always love to watch her creativeness surface when she's shooting. Barb has always been talented also. She made Lincoln a GORGEOUS blanket for a Shower present. i know her shop will do great.

I put a link to both Barb's shop and Heidis photography page at the bottom of this post. If you have a minute go check both out. Barb will be featured on the blog Make it and Love it this week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that one of the pics of Sydney will wind up on there. I LOVE THAT BLOG!!! Its to the right of my posts in my list of stalking victims.