Some Hotel Fun while we wait for Josh and Isaac to come back from weigh in.
These two are either best friends or mortal enemies. I dont know whats been in the water lately but they have been inseparable lately.
Our friends Kim and Wayne. Their little boy was also wrestling. Seriously cute family and they live just down the street from us. A 5 year old boy and then a little girl.
Wayne is in the Surgical Residency with the Army. So we relate to their a little better then the Soldier world.
Wayne is in the Surgical Residency with the Army. So we relate to their a little better then the Soldier world.
Warm Ups
The bleachers were above the mats so we were looking down on the wrestlers. I snuck past the guys at the door most of the time. Other times I just bat my eyes and say I'll just go in for his match and remain calm as I snapped pics.
Four huge mats. The littler guys would wrestler to sets per mat.
It needs to be said that at the beginning of Sept. he weighed in at 49.2 pounds. He weighed in at practice on Thursday at 57.6 pounds.
Thats over 2 months (a little less) and almost 8 pounds. This is what he's been looking like the last two years. Getting taller and taller but gaining only a few pounds.
Subtract ADHD meds and add wrestling, protein shakes, and a whole lot of eating!
He looks soooo good!!!
It needs to be said that at the beginning of Sept. he weighed in at 49.2 pounds. He weighed in at practice on Thursday at 57.6 pounds.
Thats over 2 months (a little less) and almost 8 pounds. This is what he's been looking like the last two years. Getting taller and taller but gaining only a few pounds.
He looks soooo good!!!
I yelled get low... his normally stands straight up. =)
This stance is a little low....
Coach giving him some tips... Thanks Coach Brian for looking after him and taking him under your wing.
Stance is still a little low. Looks cool though. Kind of reminds me of a guy named Dorian. He was on my older brothers team in HS. He'd get really low and move his hands all weird. Totally freaked his opponent. That and he was a HUGE black guy with a seriously awesome green tattoo. That might have had something to do with it too.
Some down time with the guys...
Love Bug stayed busy playing with her friends. Being on the base means that the sisters of the wrestlers are either in her dance class or cheer squad.
I was so proud of my boy! But it was really hard during the 2nd and 3rd match. You dont want to hear someone yell "SQUEEZE" when they are screaming about your boy.
He was excited he got 4th place and a medal.
4th out of 4.... thats good right?
He's excited to go into the next tournament with some moves under his belt.
Anyone want to give him one on one time please contact me.
They only get to practice 1 hour twice a week and there a re a lot of kids and practice isnt very organized as far as teaching basic moves and skill.
He definitely has the passion.... he just needs the time and encouragement.
So proud of my Snuggle Bug!
(I guess that not a very intimidating name though huh?)
Anyone want to give him one on one time please contact me.
They only get to practice 1 hour twice a week and there a re a lot of kids and practice isnt very organized as far as teaching basic moves and skill.
He definitely has the passion.... he just needs the time and encouragement.
So proud of my Snuggle Bug!
(I guess that not a very intimidating name though huh?)