Yep we are FHErs!! We've been doing it for over a month now and the kids love it. Sydney was suppose to do the lesson tonight but she refused to go to nursery and wond up on my lap instead. She was suppose to teach us what she learned. Oh well. Maybe next month! So josh and I threw together a lesson on what Christmas is REALLY about.

Then we decorated our little 3 foot tree. Of course the tree fairy will probably come tonight and rearrange the ornaments. She usually does.
A big thank you to my parents for the beautiful decorations we have. I was so excited i busted out the decorations days before Thanksgiving!

We plan on getting a bigger tree when we have room to store it. then this little guy will be my "entry way "tree. Yes you read what I wrote!! And I'll have it decorated the way I want it and then they can have the family tree for all the handmade ornaments that are soon to come!