Theres a reason I named the blog this....

People wonder why I dont get scared when that happens.... I guess I just think the best of people. So many times I say people watching Huggabug wondering "who is he with?" I'd wave my hand and say "he's with me!" And they would look relieved. People do care.

SnuggleBug was very patient with the rides. He really wanted to go on the big ones but found out he had to have an adult ride with him. Well I wasnt about to ride. Who would watch the otehr two kids?

He had a good time on the "baby" rides even if he wont admit it.
The swings were the big hit though. Always are.

An event where a sheep is held still, either in a small chute or by an adult handler while a child is placed on top in a riding position. Once the child is seated atop the sheep, the sheep is released and usually starts to run in an attempt to get the child off. Often small prizes or ribbons are given out to the children who can stay on the longest. There are no set rules for mutton busting, no national organization, and most events are organized at the local level.[2]
The vast majority of children participating in the event fall off in less than 8 seconds. Age, height and weight restrictions on participants generally prevent injuries to the sheepWhat it really is is HILARIOUS!!!
Lovebug was the best girl by far. She said she liked riding the sheep but didnt like falling off.
If you look closely you can see her flip over.
These guys are Mountainboarders.
Basically they took a snow board and put huge beefy wheels on it. They go down ramps and do all shorts of skateboarding tricks.
Snugglebug was in Heaven! We caught the end of one show and came back to watch the full thing and get autographs and pics later.
Basically they took a snow board and put huge beefy wheels on it. They go down ramps and do all shorts of skateboarding tricks.
Snugglebug was in Heaven! We caught the end of one show and came back to watch the full thing and get autographs and pics later.

Lovebug was pretty beat by then and tried to take a nap but the show was too enticing. She loved the Silk Arial Dancer.

We got a caremel apple and hit the animal barns.Snugglebug started laughing hysterically when he saw theses sheep. "Mom look at these sheep! They have cloths on!"
He thought it was pretty funny.

He wasnt in the petting zoo but I loved him. I should've gotten the name.
I call them Angora geese. They has these crazy fluffy feathers. Beautiful.

The horses.... Ofcourse the first ones we saw were too big and scary for Huggabug to approach. When he turned around screaming NOOOO he saw the shetlon ponies
"these are my kind of horseys mommy!"

I eventually got him to come over to the draft horses. They are my favorite.
Snugglebug got a kick out of watching them poop. Of course.

We got there a little before 11am and got home at almost 9pm.
Yes that was a LONG day. But all in all... we had a good time.
I have great kids and really enjoyed them.
They were so beat I had them stay home from school the next day and had them veg out!
Till the next adventure.....