So i had to go with Josh to drop of his car at a shop that just happen to be next to a neighborhood that was having bulk pick up..... thats where you can put out stuff for the garbage man to take that normally wouldnt fit in his truck. In other words FREE!!! if you have to shame like me that is. So I picked up the above chair. Its going to get whats left of my yellow paint and a cute new cover. Funny little note...
When I stopped to put it int he car Sydney asked in a horrored hushed tone, "mommy are you stealing that chair?" I had to explain that I was actually just picking up someone else's garbage.
AAAHHH Good times!
These pics are of the little table I found next. its going to be a pink/silvery finish. Once Sydney is in her own room it will be her bedside table. So cute next to her soon to be tufted headboard and mirror! And yes this is Lincoln's hands trying to grab the camera. The pic doesnt capture him screaming at me!
I think I used 1/2 my tube of wood filler on it. One of the legs is loose but I'll fix that too. If I had big vices I would've glued it back together but since I dont...
the little handles are going to be silver. I'm so excited. Too bad I dont have anywhere to put it until Lincoln is in a bigboy bed and Sydney moves into her own room.
I'm still on the lookout for an old chandelier. If anyone sees one, let me know.