Hello Blue eyes!

Nanny!!! This is Josh's Grandmother, Nanny. She is an amazing lady. She's getting close to 90 and still hops on a plain to fly across the US to see her daughter, grandkids, and greatgrandkids. She lives life to the fullest and is such an example to me.
Love you Nanny!

My motherinlaw, Mitzi, thought this pic was so funny. If you double click on it and look at the book that is beside me you'll understand why.
Just another morning of chatting with my son. Actually he doesn't really get all that much one on one attention. Sad but true.

Its nice to know that my husband knows how to do so many things. He and his brothers helped to put the drywall up in a down stairs room. Matt wound up throwing his back out when they were ripping the carpet up. Or maybe it was whe they went to the dump. But he was in bed for a solid 2 days afterward. Not much fun!
Believe it or not (below pic) this is Isaac and Sydney playing ponies. We were all laughing at how ghetto it was that they using packaging for ponys. But on the on the other hand.. how creative. So Mitzi drew a tail on one side and a horse head ont he other and off they went.