Tuesday, January 29, 2008
So yes the rumor is true. Laura went out and bought a bouncy house. Josh was in Chicago and the kids were going crazy. I was cramping pretty bad and couldn't imagine the idea of going to the park. I was also imagining the upcoming summer stuck inside because of the heat. Yes, Katie we still have about 3 months were its pretty unbearable to go outside, sometimes too hot for even the pool. So in an irrational moment we went to toys r us and got a bouncy house. We (me) had actually wanted on for Christmas but continued to talk ourselves out of it. Of course by now I couldn't find the smaller one we had once wanted to purchase. So here it is.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
I know Calley said that old pics & videos don't count as updating your blog but i think she'll appreciate this one. I love this little girl and hate the fact that we're so far away. But she still cracks me up even all the way from Washington.
I love the way you think her hair is sticking up because of the jump up until she stops and its still sticking straight up. I've also so noticed in some other blogs, that you in Wymount have embraced the "jerry rigging" of Johnny Jump Ups! Good for you!!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Josh bought Popcorn and Sydney was in heaven. They make you chuck all food out of your bag before you enter the arena. Luckily I knew that already from American Idol auditions. Isaac was on the edge of his seat for most of it. But got a little burnt out after intermission.
Sydney snuggled on her dad a good portion of the show. I think it was a little too stimulating for her, really bright and loud. She was beat too even though she had a nap and it was 3:30 in the afternoon. I forget how much teething wipes kids out.
So we have few pics on Christmas morning but we do have a video. Isaac opening his Race track. Sydney we had a problem with her only wanting to play with one toy. I think in this one she's actually migrated to the puzzles Grandma & Grandpa Love sent.
Toward the end of this video you see me give up and I start letting Issac open Sydney's gifts also. He was really great about it and got really excited for her. He was never confused about which ones were her and which ones were his.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Thank you to the Loves, Soptichs, Fetters, And Willis family for the Christmas Cards. Beautiful families, and what a handsome baby BOY Jen!
I had all the intention of sending cards out but it didn't happen obviously.
As for the year update... We started the year off in BYU housing in Provo, UT.
I loved it there and get homesick on a regular basis.
Josh graduated BYU in April and we set up camp in My parents house for the summer. So that put us in Lakewood, WA.
We had a great summer playing with the neighbors dog and chatting with great grandma across the street. And it was truly a blessing to see my parents be able to form a relationship with my children.
We then set out for Ft. Lauderdale, FL, for Josh to start Dental school. He actually left WA a week before we did. He swung by Logan, UT to pick up our things from my in laws garage and also his brother Eric. With our mini van in tow the two set out for Florida.
The kids and I followed on an over night plan ride. Later I found out Sydney had an ear infection the whole time and that would be why she didn't sleep at all on the plan. Good times!
Josh is doing well in school. He leaves at about 7:30 every morning and makes it home about 5:00. We have dinner together and have some family time. He helps put the kids to bed and then starts to study. Some nights he's free but mostly he studies. He's thinking about going an extra year of schooling that would allow him to keep more work instead of shipping out. Things like braces, wisdom teeth, and such. I'm okay as long as its what he wants. He's such an intelligent man and succeeds in everything he does, including being a husband and a father!
He's also the assistant scout master for our ward. That takes up his Tuesday nights. One of my favorite nights as I'm left to put the kids down by myself. He's in charge of the 11 year old and getting them ready for the transition to real scouts. He's determined to be a good leader to make up for the crap he gave his leaders in his ignorant youth.
I'm pregnant with our 3rd child and due at the end of May. That alone should tell you about my days. But in case you don't know, I'm in bed before 9 pm every night and exhausted through out the day. Isaac and Sydney keep me very busy, but I still try to have some me time. I'm taking a Ti Chi class every Thursday night. I'm hoping it allows me to center myself and find peace and balance, supposedly. Usually the kids are at least in bed before I go.
I also read the Harry Potter series, and I just finished the second book to Eragon. I randomly picked up Escape, and book about a women who escapes the FLDS church, it was amazing. I'm slowly working through I am a Mother. After Josh goes back to school in a week, I hope to start Twilight. Seriously I'm not usually a big reader, but I can manage my time reading better then waiting up for TV shows. I will watch LOST in February, but other then that I'm not dedicated to any shows, considering they usually start here about 10 pm. I have a truly blessed life and am doing what I've always wanted to do, be a stay at home mom. Although some days that's hard to remember because this is truly the hardest thing I've done in my life. But with play groups and a loving husband and family especially my sister Leah, who knows more then anyone else how my days go, I make it through. And at the end of the day when they are asleep and I go into look at them my heart just about burst out of me with the love I have for my children. And yes that happens every night. No matter how hard the day was.