Isaac has had an exciting year. He is now in preschool 3 days a week for 4 hours each day. Its a wonderful program and he is really doing well. He can also say he is a big boy now because he is fully potty trained. After more then 6 months of poopy underwear he is now certifiably potty trained. It was a huge struggle but everyone has survived. He also won a modeling contract with a company here in Florida. Where that goes we don't know but it will definitely make this next year an interesting one. Next week is his last day in nursery at church. He'll be moving into Primary in January. He has no clue and has not been prepared for the transition at all. This does not bode well as Isaac has very difficult time with change and that is an understatement. He has an amazing vocabulary and an even more amazing imagination. He's still none stop energy and I fear he will be giving up naps this next year. He is a beautiful child inside. He makes a strong impression where ever he goes and with everyone he meets. To say that he is a handful is the poor choice of words. He challenges me everyday. I love to go and look at him at night when he is sleeping, the only time he is still and marvels that I survived another day with him.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Isaac has had an exciting year. He is now in preschool 3 days a week for 4 hours each day. Its a wonderful program and he is really doing well. He can also say he is a big boy now because he is fully potty trained. After more then 6 months of poopy underwear he is now certifiably potty trained. It was a huge struggle but everyone has survived. He also won a modeling contract with a company here in Florida. Where that goes we don't know but it will definitely make this next year an interesting one. Next week is his last day in nursery at church. He'll be moving into Primary in January. He has no clue and has not been prepared for the transition at all. This does not bode well as Isaac has very difficult time with change and that is an understatement. He has an amazing vocabulary and an even more amazing imagination. He's still none stop energy and I fear he will be giving up naps this next year. He is a beautiful child inside. He makes a strong impression where ever he goes and with everyone he meets. To say that he is a handful is the poor choice of words. He challenges me everyday. I love to go and look at him at night when he is sleeping, the only time he is still and marvels that I survived another day with him.
Here's Isaac and Sydney in a Huge birds nest statue. Not more to say here.
Isaac and Sydney playing on the Elephant statue. We actually did get to see the real thing. Next time we go we're going to rent a 2 man bike thingy. It has a place for the kids to sit in the very front while the parents, side by side peddle. They're $$$ but well worth it. We might make it to the giraffes and their feeding station.
We stuck around long enough to see the Diego show. But I'm afraid it pushed the kids to the limit. They calmed down to watch the show and then started up again as soon as it was over. Isaac actually wasn't too bad but Sydney was beat and NOT happy.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Isaac has a curious George book where George goes to the beach and sees a lifeguard. So of course when Isaac saw the LG tower, he walked right up the ramp to the lifeguard. Which I then told him to get off of. Turns out he was a really nice guy and came down just to talk to Isaac. I explained the whole story of George and how Isaac wanted to meet him. This is just a little bit of their conversation.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The Thanksgiving Weekend we took Eric and Michelle to the Sawgrass Mills Malls.
Its a huge tourist attraction because it a HUGE MALL!
So as we sat at the food court to eat Isaac noticed the catwalk. He convinced the girl in charge to let him walk it. So he did and we signed up for the contest. So he won a years contract but we'll see where it goes.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sydney running over to get a piece of Candy from us. She's not exactly coordinated at the this age. Hopefully in time she'll come along. Usually when we ask her to run she just moves her right arm faster but her foot don't pick up any speed. It must've been the candy that actually got her to try running for real.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sydney was very impressed with Isaac's new muscles, as Isaac tries to play it of nonchalantly.
These are Florida's Burrowing owls. They're really little and are endangered. So if they decide to burrow into you yard or a playground for instance... you can't touch them. you have to wait until they decide to move. Crazy huh!
Don't let the picture freak you out... they aren't that big. But they are weird looking huh?!
This is what the spiders look like here. They're called Orb Weaving Spider.
Friday, October 5, 2007
This pic of me (oh so flattering with no makeup)was actually taken by Isaac. I was so impressed because he even coached me on where to put my hand and tilt my head. Yeah I know I'm looking pretty thin. But not for long. Soon I'll have that baby weight that I love.
For those who don't know me really well that is not sarcasm, I do love baby weight.