Sunday, February 24, 2008

Our beautiful Armoire!!! $150 off of Craig's List! And I love it!
Its so nice to have a place to close off the TV and just have a Living room.
Every once in a while I get on and look for certain things, armoire being on of them. It had to have a certain type of handle so that I could lock it if need be. Well I went on on Friday and there was this one. Love at first sight. Its a corner unit which I also wanted because I feel corners are wasted space. Josh went and picked it up the next day. It has just a little strip of paint on the very top but who cares, I don't. And if you double click on the pics you can see the detailed crown molding. An Armoire like this, Solid wood, in the store would be well over $500 and that's at Marshall's discount store. Crazy when you can go on Craigs list for $150. Seriously it was a steal!!