2 days ago
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Dr.Cohen is my OBGYN. An amazingly wonderful doctor. I couldn't have asked for better. He loved having Sydney come with me every time. He would always give her a chocolate. (Its a big deal because a lot of OBs here don't allow children to come with you) So today Sydney got all dressed up and took Dr. Cohen some Chocolate. Of course there was only one M&M left by then and it had been man handled and dropped several times. But he took it with a big smile. He always makes you feel so gorgeous and proud to be a women. Too bad I'm not having anymore kids or I would go to him again. I'll still have my yearly but no more babies for me. In fact I was surprised by my reaction when I saw all the women in the lobby. Not a single part of me longed to be pregnant and have another baby. It use to be when ever I saw someone I would get an achy feeling like something huge was missing for me. No now!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
So I couldn't figure out how to put a cool twilight pic on the blog so you have to settle for these. These are the girlfriends I went with to the 12:01 showing. I don't have time to go into the whole review, but it was definetly fun to be out and about town in the middle of the night. The picture of me, Amy, and Mandy. Mandy just recently had her baby boy.
The other shot is of Robin, janelle, and her little sister.
My Lincoln
Isn't he the cutest little guy you've ever seen. Only hes not too little. He's about 19 pounds.he's 75% for weight, 50% for height and 90 for his head. And he's also scooting already, he's not even 7 months yet.
Hes also been fighting naps more. but seriously sometimes I get so caught up with the other two that I loose track of his schedule. I mean he's such a happy guy so he doesn't complain, or at least not loud enough. So I came down from finally getting Sydney down for nap and Isaac was watching tv. I come around the corner to find him passed out in his Johnny Jump Up. It was so funny and cute, yet SO SAD!!!
Uncle Eric and Aunt Shell came for a visit!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Happy SteaksGiving!!!!
So Josh has declared that it will no longer be Thanksgiving at our house but Steaksgiving. No turkey for Josh, just ribeye steak on the barbee! The steaks were so big they had no room for anything else. And as you can see we had plenty of food.
Ross a member of Josh's class came to partake in Steaksgiving. I'm pretty sure he's hopeing for an invite next year too.
And isn't Sydney's little turkey so cute! See went over to our next door neighbors and Katherine was helping her kids make them. Sydney was so careful, holding it like it was really alive.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Its been tough here the last couple weeks so I wanted to apologize to anyone out there that feels neglected.
And a big thank you to my sister... helping you realize my life is crazier then yours helps more then you know. LOL And when I'm close to loosing it I know I can always call you. Whether your awake or not thats another story. more LOL
Thanks to you for the qoute, I tried to make it pretty but my scanner is not working.
"Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass...
Its about learning to dance in the rain"
And as Jo dee Messena says, "Bring on the rain!"
And a big thank you to my sister... helping you realize my life is crazier then yours helps more then you know. LOL And when I'm close to loosing it I know I can always call you. Whether your awake or not thats another story. more LOL
Thanks to you for the qoute, I tried to make it pretty but my scanner is not working.
"Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass...
Its about learning to dance in the rain"
And as Jo dee Messena says, "Bring on the rain!"
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
American Eagle Outfitters
Most of you know this but for those of you who don't... I work part time at American Eagle. I go in at night after the store closes and help set up the new floor plans. I do this about every 6 weeks and only work less then 10 hours in the 2 nights it takes. I get 40% off anything I want, 25% off clearance, and 50% off certain floor set items. Its a sweet deal and man do I have a cute wardrobe now. I wasn't a really big AE fan before but now I don't know what I'll do once I stop this sweet gig.
So for Christmas anyone want to go to American Eagle. I can't say I can afford to buy you anything but I'll definetly use my discount there for you. So go see what they have... you people who live in the cold.. theres great stuff there now. not much for me though. Till then see ya!
The Big 30!!
Thats right Ladies and Gentlemen!!! Josh turned 30 years old on October 20th.
Josh summed up his birthday by saying,"your officially an adult when you turn 30, you can't call yourself a 'Young adult' anymore."
It was a very anticlimactic day considering Lincoln was really sick in the days that led up to the BIG day.
I did sneak his cell away from him that morning and called all his friends, so we had a bunch of people over for icecream cake. It was a surprise but not as big as I'd hoped since Josh was the one answering the door every time someone showed up. But then again it could be seen as lots of little surprises. Everyone stayed for about 45 minutes because they all had to go home and study.
Oh and the kids picked him out new New balance Shoes for school, they wound up being too tight. If I had just ordered the exact same pair that he already had (Que taken for Tyson Soptich) he wouldn't have to return them. As is was he wasn't too thrilled by then and he has to take them back.
All in all it wasn't a very exciting day for him. I felt bad but he doesn't really drop clues or anything to help me out.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
More Exercising!
I got a bike and trailer! For some reason I thought I was going to be able to put Lincoln in there but he's not quit up for it yet. So what i've been doing is taking Isaac and Sydney and leaving Lincoln with Josh. The first trip we did was 3 miles but unfortunetly I bite off more then I could chew. It was 3 miles to my girlfriend Amy's house. I had to call Josh up to come get me because Amy wasn't home. I was smarter the secong trip and did a 3 mile loop. It takes about 35 minutes and my heart rate is up the entire time. I love it the kids love it. I am still going to run. In fact I plan to train for a mini triathilon. Thats right you read it here first... Laura Sparks a triathlete. And for those of you who laughed whten you heard I was going to run the 5K with Calley... you can keep all comments to yourself. Unless they're incouraging ofcourse. I mean I done having kids and thinking "Whats the point? My body's going to go back to crap anyways with the next pregnancy". Its time to shape it the way I want it to be for the rest of m life. And I'm tired of being a skinny little nothing that people tell to "go eat a sandwich. I've been skinny my whole life but never healthy and strong.
Oh And I would've had a better pic but Isaac was so proud of this one. I'll get one of us in action here soon.
YAY for Thrift stores!!
OK so this is a dress from Express except that my mom got it for a $1 at a WA thrift shop! She saw it (not knowing about Express $$) and thought it would look fantastic on me. I had Isaac take the pic and thats what the picture of him is. Thats his "I know how to use a camera Mom!" look. ANd yes he said that to me too. The first shot he did wasn't so hot and thats why I was tring to show him. After the "i can't believe" you look he took the second shot and did much better.
And why you ask am I taking another picture of me, because I have had this dress for months and havn't been able to fit in it. I'm excited to show it off and am proud of myself because I'm actually working to get my body the way I want it and its starting to show.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
What a blessing!
Lincoln is the easiest, easy going, happy baby I've ever met. He only has smiles to give and loves to be around his brother and sister. I'm just waiting for them to realise how neat he really is. Right now he basically gets in their way. So its nice to have those quiet evenings where its just Josh, Me, and Lincoln.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Love
"Yay! Its the PMS Man" Isaac shouts as the UPS man comes knocking on our door. They get a kick out of it. It doesn't seem to matter how many times I correct him. And he doesn't know what PMS is so he's not tryng to be funny or anything.
Here are the cloths my mom sent. I think the kids were suppose to grow into them but as you can see they fit perfect, with a little growing room. Sydney loved her dress so much she wore it for 3 days, no lie. I came intot he bedroom one night and she had it on over her nightgown. And she was extra styling because she wore the skirt mom sent under the dress. Is orange you can kind of see it in the pic. Good times!
Sydney telling me all about it...
Wow am I in trouble or what. This little girl is a handful. I often hear myself say "She was nothing but Sugar until the day she turned 2." I'm tryng not to say that anymore because she still is really sweet, she has just come into the fact that she has her own opinions and has a mouth to share them with. These are some pics of her just talking with me! I understand most of what she says but when she gets excited its harder to interpret. She has learned to dress herself and shows me that by dressing and redressing all day. People at Isaacs preschool love to see what shes wearing on drop off and then a new outfit for pic up. And they always check out her shoes. They rarely match if she decides to wear shoes at all that is.
She's had a rough week. Tuesday night I go to Choir practice (I'll fill you in on that)so Josh has the kids. He couldn't find a pacifier, she cried for an hour and a half.
When I woke up the next morning and found one under the kitchen sink (he didn't look there, MEN!) and one in Lincolns swing. (when looking for the all important pacifier you start at one of the room and look EVERYWHERE! And repeat this with EVERY ROOM!)
Well i decided that she had already cried one night so I threw them away. Its been over a week and she took a normal nap today with out crashing out in a random place.
That along with the sicknesses mentioned below, its been a long week!
What comes up must come down!
So yeah we we're doing better and then...
We all kind of got head colds. Thank you to Calley as I immediatly threw away my generic Afrin nose spray. I was going on day 6, or something. Its brutal! And I knew about addiction to nose spray because my dad went threw it. But three kids under the age of four and YOU NEED TO SLEEP!!! I actually bought saline spray for the kids so thats what I'm going to use tonight. So as I was battleing through this horrible head cold with no sympathy from Josh.. He decides to Trump me with Strep Throat. I gave him the "suck it up" attitude for a day or so until he spiked 102.7. "Fine, Youre officially sick!" And he was... he was laid out for a good three days and had his eyes open to how hard it is to be sick and be home with three kids. It took Strep Throat but I'll take awareness anyway possible.
We all kind of got head colds. Thank you to Calley as I immediatly threw away my generic Afrin nose spray. I was going on day 6, or something. Its brutal! And I knew about addiction to nose spray because my dad went threw it. But three kids under the age of four and YOU NEED TO SLEEP!!! I actually bought saline spray for the kids so thats what I'm going to use tonight. So as I was battleing through this horrible head cold with no sympathy from Josh.. He decides to Trump me with Strep Throat. I gave him the "suck it up" attitude for a day or so until he spiked 102.7. "Fine, Youre officially sick!" And he was... he was laid out for a good three days and had his eyes open to how hard it is to be sick and be home with three kids. It took Strep Throat but I'll take awareness anyway possible.
Friday, September 26, 2008
So blogger keeps putting my pics in some weird computer language when I try to post. Its driving me crazy. Help anyone?! They show up on the blog fine but not when I'm creating!
So a had a request for an actual update on life... If you're really up for it...
read on.......
So life durning Boards or Josh studing for boards I should say, was not too fun. I had an IUD put in when Lincoln was about 6 weeks and I swear it made my meds go wacko! I couldn't stand anyone in my little family with the exception of Lincoln, everyone else got on my last nerve. josh was the worst, poor guy got just about all of it. He could'nt do anything right and I thought I was falling out of love with him or something. I thought we would be ok once boards was over but once he took the test and was around more it got worse! I finally talked to a few friends about how to save my marriage, and my girlfriend Michael was like, "Wow you need to change your meds!" And that was that. I still had a hard time but knowing that it was most likely my medication helped me and especially Josh. So no I'm switching off one and on to the other so the next few weeks should be fun again.
I got a gym membership where I can go drop the kids off at their daycare and have "me work out time". I'm also a member of the Nova SE Community Choir "the nova singers". WE meet every Tues. 7-10. So that gets me out of the house once a week. josh has been really supportive of both the gym and the choir.
So now I love Josh again and I'm fitting into so seriously cute cloths, and loveing all 120 pounds of me!
Some days are still tough but I can handle somedays. It was just really scarey for a while there.
Thank you for everyone I called to cry to extra thanks to Leah (my 'always there for me sister'), Amanda, and Michael.
So a had a request for an actual update on life... If you're really up for it...
read on.......
So life durning Boards or Josh studing for boards I should say, was not too fun. I had an IUD put in when Lincoln was about 6 weeks and I swear it made my meds go wacko! I couldn't stand anyone in my little family with the exception of Lincoln, everyone else got on my last nerve. josh was the worst, poor guy got just about all of it. He could'nt do anything right and I thought I was falling out of love with him or something. I thought we would be ok once boards was over but once he took the test and was around more it got worse! I finally talked to a few friends about how to save my marriage, and my girlfriend Michael was like, "Wow you need to change your meds!" And that was that. I still had a hard time but knowing that it was most likely my medication helped me and especially Josh. So no I'm switching off one and on to the other so the next few weeks should be fun again.
I got a gym membership where I can go drop the kids off at their daycare and have "me work out time". I'm also a member of the Nova SE Community Choir "the nova singers". WE meet every Tues. 7-10. So that gets me out of the house once a week. josh has been really supportive of both the gym and the choir.
So now I love Josh again and I'm fitting into so seriously cute cloths, and loveing all 120 pounds of me!
Some days are still tough but I can handle somedays. It was just really scarey for a while there.
Thank you for everyone I called to cry to extra thanks to Leah (my 'always there for me sister'), Amanda, and Michael.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
I have a thumb sucker!
I know mom we're still fighting the fight.
My mom sucked her thumb into the 6th grade, so its important to keep the pacifier in the babies mouth and not his thumb. I've never had a thumb sucker before. I always thought it was a learned habit, but Lincolns been doing it since birth. Or at least tryng to do it. now that he has better control, he pulls the pacifier out and puts his thumb in. We'll keep tring, although I have to say its amazing at night. I was going in all the time to give him his pacifier. (Angela can relate) Once he found his thumb at night he started sleeping almost 12 hours. And you can't knock that!
My mom sucked her thumb into the 6th grade, so its important to keep the pacifier in the babies mouth and not his thumb. I've never had a thumb sucker before. I always thought it was a learned habit, but Lincolns been doing it since birth. Or at least tryng to do it. now that he has better control, he pulls the pacifier out and puts his thumb in. We'll keep tring, although I have to say its amazing at night. I was going in all the time to give him his pacifier. (Angela can relate) Once he found his thumb at night he started sleeping almost 12 hours. And you can't knock that!
Mi Becino!
Haning out with the next door neighbors.
They moved here from Columbia six months ago on politicall asilum. He was a helicopter piolet for the airforce there. They've been married for 25 years and have a 17 year old and a 4 year old. Mario is the dad, Cloudia is the mom, Mario the 17 yr old and carlos the 4 year old. its fantastic having them next door. Althought there is a language barriere of sorts, they are helping me with spanish and I am helping them with their english. We have a lot of fun.
Cloudia was teaching me salsa last night and Isaac and Carlos are a perfect match. He just turned four but its just as coordinated as Isaac so they can keep up with each other. And Carlos doesn't let Isaac boss him around. Also because they are so equal Isaac doesn't have the worshipping sindrome he has witht he other boy who lives by us. I counldn't ask for a better best friend for Isaac. And as you can see they are into the same things!
Sydney unfortunetly gets let out a lot but we're working on finding her firneds too. But she plays with Sadie and sits and pratices her spanish also. She remembers stuff better then I do.
They moved here from Columbia six months ago on politicall asilum. He was a helicopter piolet for the airforce there. They've been married for 25 years and have a 17 year old and a 4 year old. Mario is the dad, Cloudia is the mom, Mario the 17 yr old and carlos the 4 year old. its fantastic having them next door. Althought there is a language barriere of sorts, they are helping me with spanish and I am helping them with their english. We have a lot of fun.
Cloudia was teaching me salsa last night and Isaac and Carlos are a perfect match. He just turned four but its just as coordinated as Isaac so they can keep up with each other. And Carlos doesn't let Isaac boss him around. Also because they are so equal Isaac doesn't have the worshipping sindrome he has witht he other boy who lives by us. I counldn't ask for a better best friend for Isaac. And as you can see they are into the same things!
Sydney unfortunetly gets let out a lot but we're working on finding her firneds too. But she plays with Sadie and sits and pratices her spanish also. She remembers stuff better then I do.
Meyer has done it again!
For those of you who have read the Twilight Series... Shes done it again. And actually I think this one might be better then the twilight series. And thats coming from a die hard Vamp fan. "The Host" was soo good even Lincoln couldn't put it down. If you havn't read it go and get it now! The depth of her writing in this and the characters are amazing. She has you looking at humanity through the characters eyes and you can feel the gospel truths in it.
Man do Sundays SUCK!
This would be our daughter crashed out. Our church starts at 12:20. This means she usually falls asleep on the way there and wakes as soon as we pull in. She does ok through sacrament for the most part and LOVES nursery. But I guess she uses up all her cuteness at church and is nothing but whining and crying until she passes out somewhere random. That Sunday was upside down on the recliner.
She then proceeds to sleep until about 6:30 sometimes 8:00 and then stay up till 10:00 or later. I know your asking " Why don't you just wake her up?" Well, she's impossible to wake up. She's been that way since she was born.
Gotta Love Sundays!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls Recipe
I put all the dough in my bread maker. Wet ing. first and then dry.
Then all I have to do is roll it out and then bake them.
1¼ hours | 1 hour prep
1 (1/4 ounce) package dry yeast
1 cup warm milk
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup margarine
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
4 cups flour
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 1/2 tablespoons cinnamon
1/3 cup margarine, softened
8 tablespoons margarine
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/4 cup cream cheese
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 teaspoon salt
For the rolls, dissolve the yeast in the warm milk in a large bowl.
Add sugar, margarine salt, eggs, and flour, mix well.
Knead the dough into a large ball, using your hands dusted lightly with flour.
Put in a bowl, cover and let rise in a warm place about 1 hour or until the dough has doubled in size.
Roll the dought out on a lightly floured surface, until it is approx 21 inches long by 16 inches wide.
It should be approx 1/4 thick.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
To make filling, combine the brown sugar and cinnamon in a bowl.
Spread the softened margarine over the surface of the dough, then sprinkle the brown sugar and cinnamon evenly over the surface.
Working carefully, from the long edge, roll the dough down to the bottom edge.
Cut the dough into 1 3/4 inch slices, and place in a lightly greased baking pan.
Bake for 10 minutes or until light golden brown.
While the rolls are baking combine the icing ingredients.
Beat well with an electric mixer until fluffy.
When the rolls are done, spread generously with icing.
Then all I have to do is roll it out and then bake them.
1¼ hours | 1 hour prep
1 (1/4 ounce) package dry yeast
1 cup warm milk
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup margarine
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
4 cups flour
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 1/2 tablespoons cinnamon
1/3 cup margarine, softened
8 tablespoons margarine
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/4 cup cream cheese
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 teaspoon salt
For the rolls, dissolve the yeast in the warm milk in a large bowl.
Add sugar, margarine salt, eggs, and flour, mix well.
Knead the dough into a large ball, using your hands dusted lightly with flour.
Put in a bowl, cover and let rise in a warm place about 1 hour or until the dough has doubled in size.
Roll the dought out on a lightly floured surface, until it is approx 21 inches long by 16 inches wide.
It should be approx 1/4 thick.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
To make filling, combine the brown sugar and cinnamon in a bowl.
Spread the softened margarine over the surface of the dough, then sprinkle the brown sugar and cinnamon evenly over the surface.
Working carefully, from the long edge, roll the dough down to the bottom edge.
Cut the dough into 1 3/4 inch slices, and place in a lightly greased baking pan.
Bake for 10 minutes or until light golden brown.
While the rolls are baking combine the icing ingredients.
Beat well with an electric mixer until fluffy.
When the rolls are done, spread generously with icing.
New Recipe
Seriously GOOD!!!!
Fettuccine Alfredo
This recipe serves 2.
• 3 tbs butter
• 1 cup heavy whipping cream
• 2 pinches ground nutmeg
• 1/2 ts ground black pepper
• 3/4 cup of grated parmigiano-reggiano cheese
• 1 pinch Salt
• 1 lb fettuccine pasta
• Grate the cheese, black pepper and nutmeg if you need to.
• Put 4 quarts of water to boil
• Set small frying pan in mid-high heat
• Add the butter and the cream to the frying pan and mix well
• Stir the sauce frequently and add the black pepper, salt and nutmeg, boil and immediately lower the heat and stir frequently until the sauce becomes heavier, it should take a few minutes of constant stirring
• Add the pasta to the boiling water along with some salt and cook to your liking
• Once the pasta is cooked, drain the pasta and add the sauce to it. Mix well
• Add the grated cheese to the sauce and pasta, and mix until the cheese is absorbed by the sauce
Fettuccine Alfredo
This recipe serves 2.
• 3 tbs butter
• 1 cup heavy whipping cream
• 2 pinches ground nutmeg
• 1/2 ts ground black pepper
• 3/4 cup of grated parmigiano-reggiano cheese
• 1 pinch Salt
• 1 lb fettuccine pasta
• Grate the cheese, black pepper and nutmeg if you need to.
• Put 4 quarts of water to boil
• Set small frying pan in mid-high heat
• Add the butter and the cream to the frying pan and mix well
• Stir the sauce frequently and add the black pepper, salt and nutmeg, boil and immediately lower the heat and stir frequently until the sauce becomes heavier, it should take a few minutes of constant stirring
• Add the pasta to the boiling water along with some salt and cook to your liking
• Once the pasta is cooked, drain the pasta and add the sauce to it. Mix well
• Add the grated cheese to the sauce and pasta, and mix until the cheese is absorbed by the sauce
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Heads up Washington & Utah!
Thats right the Sparks family is coming to town! We'll be fling in to Seattle on Dec. 14th and fling onto Utah on Dec. 23rd where we will be until the 3rd.
Tyson... Josh is already counting down the days!
Gotta go all H-E-L-L is breaking loose down stairs.
But prepare yourself for our arrival!!!
Tyson... Josh is already counting down the days!
Gotta go all H-E-L-L is breaking loose down stairs.
But prepare yourself for our arrival!!!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Ahh family pictures... nothing brings a family closer! Actually my neighbor put it more correctly... "family pictures are what divorces are made off!" and thats no joke! We were there waiting for about 45 minutes and who knows how long getting the pictures. We got there @ 4:30 and left at 6:30. And as much as josh and I went at each other and the kids freaked out... somehow we managed to get some nce pics out of the deal. Now the photographer would've picked different pics or at least she gave my the solid unpression she would have.. she preffered to hve the kids looking at the camera with smiles. But the smiles they had on were fake. I prefer the more natural looking pics, hence Isaac laughing and Lincoln sucking on his hands.
I do love kiddiekandits though. Now they don't show up as nice on the computer as I had hoped but you get the idea.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Six Weeks Body Makeover
Ladies and Gentlemen...
We are 1 week into the make over and Laura has lost a total of 6 pounds!!!!!!!!
I know all of you are saying "She doesn't need to lose andy wieght!!"
Oh con trer! (did I spell that right?) Only Josh sees me naked!!
This skirt woudn't zip up last week and strutted my stuff in it today and not uncomfortably either! Shirt a little small but THATS HOW I LIKE IT BABY!!!
So seriously Josh and I started the six week body make over. Its by the guy whos on Extreme Makeover. No not the house one!!
You have to eat like 9 times a day. Thats been hard for me because the kids don't necessarily slow down for you to stop and it. In fact Isaac has said once already, "your eating again mommy!"
Josh has lost almost 10 pounds.
Reasons this diet is hard...
it takes sodium out of your diet. I had no idea I had a love affair with salt until it left me! Or I left it I should say! Man does that stuff taste GOOD!!!!!
Lots of water
walk, not run but walk 5-6 days a week for 45 minutes. Do I have 45 minutes by myself? no so I wind up going with at least two kids or 3 kids and a dog!
Cooking all the food in one day and the eating all the time.
I saw a change the first day!
I figure I won't be doing it the entire six weeks just maybe 2 more. But I'm going to keep the walking up and move to running. If I can I'd like to start training for a 1/2 marathon thats in January! Thats right Calley and Bethany. I want to start setting some goals for myself to accomplish. All of you have been such good examples to me of that and I want that satisfaction for myself now too.
oh and I'll be blogging more not just posting pics and capstioning them. I figure this is going to be my journal since I can't seem to pick up a pen!
Next week I'll have another weight loss update!
Oh and Josh posed me for these pics. The one is somesort of bodybuilding pose. and I swear my hair looks better in person.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Lincoln is growing so fast!
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